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7 Ways to Feel Sexy in Canada Goose Weather

It’s been a very long, very cold winter – and it’s not over yet. If you’ve lost your mojo huddled in all the Canada Goose you can find, here are some tips for getting your groove back even when there are piles of snow everywhere you look

Winter does a number on us.

It makes our mood slip, our energy drain, and our wardrobe suffer.

And it’s no surprise that there’s nothing particularly sexy about winter; no one looks all that sexy buried under layers of leggings, jeans, high socks, giant boots, three sweaters, a parka, a scarf, mitts and a hat.

But that doesn’t mean you need to hibernate until the snow finally melts. Here are a few ways to get your sexy on… even if we end up dealing with these frozen temperatures and snowbanks until April. 

Learn a New Bedroom Skill
What better reason to leave the house than to take a class with a sexpert? Check out Come As You Are and Psalm Isadora’s workshop offerings for inspiration.

Take a Pole Dancing Class
Everyone’s New Year’s resolution is to get fit, and doing it this way means you can get your workout in while increasing your bedroom confidence. Most major cities offer these workouts now – try Brass Vixens or Flirty Girl Fitness in Toronto.  Regular exercise also keeps the endorphins pumping, which makes you more interested in other fun physical activities.

Get Some Sunshine
Nothing will kill your libido faster than a lack of Vitamin D – and a Canadian winter doesn’t provide many hours of sunshine. So when you see it emerge from the grey skies, make sure you step outside and let your exposed parts (even if that’s just your face) soak it in. You can also take Vitamin D supplements to ensure Seasonal Affective Disorder doesn’t completely kill your mood.

Visit a Sex Shop  
There’s nothing like new toys to remind you of the fun to be had when you and your partner finally manage to get all the layers off.

Draw Your Partner (or a Model) in the Nude
If you’ve been meaning to get your art skills back on track, this is a fun way to do it. Just make sure you’re somewhere warm. Graphite Stallions offers parties exactly for this kind of fun.

Buy Some New Lingerie
Nothing cures the winter blues quite like shopping. If you’re going to get down to your underwear at all in these temperatures, you’ll want them to be worth showing off.

Participate in a Boudoir Photo Shoot
Admit it: you’ve always wanted to do it. There’s no better way to shake off the frump of winter (and surprise your partner with a gift they’ll always love) than to take it all off for a glammed up photoshoot. One day you’ll look back on these photos and wonder why you ever complained about your body. 


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