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7 Unique Resume Ideas That Stood Out From the Crowd

Applying for jobs can be a trying experience. You find a vacant position you’d be great at, spend hours crafting the perfect cover letter… and then you never hear back.

But with hundreds (or sometimes thousands) of potential candidates applying for a single role, is it any wonder that our resume didn’t stand out from the crowd?

Some job seekers decided to make an application that their prospective employers simply couldn’t ignore.

Giving new meaning to the term ‘thinking outside the box’, here are some of the most original resumes we’ve ever seen.

Chocolate Bar
She may not be the only one to have masterminded this sweet approach to the job-finding process, but wrapping her resume in a chocolate bar ended in success for Renata Chunderbalsingh. The Australian hoping to get a job in market research uniquely packaged a Lindt chocolate bar with her resume in an attempt to “differentiate myself with the crowd.” Her tactic worked, as she quickly heard back from several recruitment agencies.

An unemployed Irish man made sure he got his face out there during his job hunt back in 2011. Féilim Mac An Iomaire spent his life savings on a billboard on a busy road in Dublin, begging for someone to save him from emigration (like the many other graduates who left Ireland following the financial crisis). Féilim received 20 interview invitations and several job offers, ultimately resulting in a job at bookmakers Paddy Power.

Pixar Package
Brian Moose, an artist hoping to score a job as a Senior Manager of Technical Artists at Pixar, decided to go a little old school with his kooky take. He created a package that he sent to the film company, which included a notebook hidden inside a film reel that detailed all his experience, strengths, and the places he’s worked at previously – naturally decorated with some amazing doodles that showcase his talent as a designer.

Photo: Brian Moose/Flickr
Photo: Brian Moose/Flickr

Back in May, online retailer Everlane announced that they would be welcoming job applications submitted via Snapchat. The company suggested that posting a Snapchat story could be the “best way to get hired in 2016.” Applicants were invited to make a 60 to 90-second story explaining why you would be good for the role. It certainly lends a personal touch to the traditional paper route.

Computer Game
Designer Robby Leonardi came up with a very unique way to showcase his talent to prospective employers. The designer created a computer game that showed an animated version of himself travel through levels, each one demonstrating his skills, working experience, and awards. The conclusion of the game leads to a contact form where interested parties can email him directly.


Amazon Sales Page
Phillippe Dubost created an Amaz(ing) online resume back in 2013 in an effort to showcase his talents to would-be employers. The web product manager used the layout of the Amazon product page to plug himself, listing all his accomplishments, his ‘dimensions’ (186 cm) and provided customer reviews from previous employers. He even notes that there is “only 1 left in stock.”


You could always follow in the high-heeled footsteps of the star of Legally Blonde, Miss Elle Woods, and add a fragrant feature to your resume. The bimbo-turned-Harvard Law student hands her bemused professor a pink, scented paper copy of her credentials in the movie,before adding “I think it gives it a little something extra, don’t you think?” We’re inclined to agree.


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