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28 Things to Do Before #Summer14 Ends

An exceptionally early Labour Day this year means that summer’s over in less than two months. And you’ve got a lot of ground to cover before then


An exceptionally early Labour Day this year means that summer’s over in less than two months.  

And you’ve got a lot of ground to cover before then:

Choose a summer anthem. 
There’s always that one song that defines summer. Find one that will transport you back to this summer years from now. Now, play it. Again. And again. And Again. 

Make out in the rain. 
Few things are as romantic as warm summer rain. Even more so – kissing summer rain-soaked lips in the rain (think The Notebook). 

Go to a drive-in movie (in a pick-up truck). 
Get nostalgic and re-visit a time when a drive-in visit was a summer staple. If you can take in the film in the blanket-covered bed of a pick-up, even better. 

Count the stars. 
Counting the stars would imply you could actually see the stars. Ditch the smoggy city skies for a breath of fresh air and a sky full of stars you forgot existed. 


Savour a Slurpee or massive freezie. 
Hit your local 7/11 for a Slurpee or freezie for no other reason than you’ll feel like a kid again. And they’re still damn good. 

Ditch your phone for 24 hours. 
Summer like your parents did, when a weekend getaway meant you were unreachable by phone. Even if you stay in the city, disconnect for the day once you’ve found your Sunday Funday partner in crime. It’s as refreshing as a cold pool.

Get filthy at a festival. 
Whether it means a massive music festival like Osheaga, or a local beer festival, throw on a tank, jean shorts, and flip-flops and prepare to get shamelessly dirty. It won’t be such a great look on you 20 years from now – get it while you can. 


Spend all day in a hammock. 
There are few better ways to relax than in a hammock with a book, trashy magazine, or your steamy summer fling (or all of the above).

Take a last-minute road trip. 
Whether to a bed-and-breakfast just outside the city for the night, or a spontaneous decision to hit a music festival, jump in the car for a last-minute road trip. Of course, hopping on a plane works too. 


Jump into a body of water without feeling the temperature first. 
The option of springing off a diving board, jumping off a cliff, or canon-balling off a dock won’t last forever. Stop being a baby and just go for it. 


Visit your relatives already. 
These days, you may only know what your extended family is up to through Facebook. Put in some actual face time (no, not with your iPhone) this summer – you have way more options in terms of activities in the warm weather, no matter how little you have in common. 

Walk from one end of your city to the other (holding hands). 
Whether it means a patio-hop or simply stumbling upon cool vintage stores, parks and cafes along the way, you’ll discover something new about your city in a walk from end-to-end (and your calves will thank you). 

Discover a new cocktail. 
Stray from your trusted glass of pinot grigio or beer this summer with a newfound cocktail option – whether mixologist-made and enjoyed on a patio or created by you for the dock. That cocktail will forever taste like #Summer14. 

Pick fresh fruit.
Top your yoghurt or cereal with berries picked right from the source, by you. It doesn’t get much more local than that. 


Rediscover a sport. 
From Rollerblading to softball to tennis, rediscover a favourite active pastime in exchange for excessive patio time. If you do so now, you have all summer to get as good as you were before university (see: drinking) happened.  

Leave a weekend plan-less. 
Between weddings and cottage weekends away, it seems every weekend is accounted for in the summer. If you still can, leave one weekend plan-free and go with the flow, wherever that sweet summer breeze may take you. 

Send a postcard. 
How excited would your friend or family member be to receive a postcard in the mail? It could be from your European trip or just the city you live in, inviting them to visit. 

Eat something that was cooked over a fire. 
A summer isn’t complete without a campfire. From marshmallows to hot-dogs, everything tastes better when cooked over an open flame (and after a couple of bottles of Canadian or Palm Bay). 


Get to work unusually early on a Monday. 
Arriving bright and early will snap you out of that overly indulgent weekend at the cottage quicker and make you at least feel more prepared for the week ahead (half-day Fridays come sooner than you expect). 

Have a patio brunch that turns into dinner. 
The best part about brunches that turn into day-long affairs (aside from the gourmet Caesars) is that they mean you’re also enjoying good company. A patio is the perfect place for that over-due catch-up. 

Play cards. 
Whether this means Cards Against Humanity or a good, old-fashioned favourite of your grandparents, surprise yourself with how much fun you can have with the right group of people and a game of cards or board game. 

Tap into that right side of the brain and create anything from a painting or a blog post to a well-curated playlist. Or finally build that deck you’ve been talking about. 

Tackle one crazy roller coaster or water slide. 
One day, your body won’t be able to handle such things.  

Host a friend. 
Offer up your spare room or couch to a visiting friend. Not only is summer the best time to show them the city, they’ll repay the favour the next time you need a quick get-away. 

Hit an outdoor sporting event or concert. 
Even when you have to deal with the masses and over-priced pizza and beer, sports (minus hockey) and concerts are best enjoyed outdoors. 

Have a water fight. 
Hit the local dollar store and surprise your dinner guests with a backyard BBQ complete with water balloons and water guns (word of advice: watch the ladies’ hair). 

Catch the sunrise. 
There’s no shortage of Instagram sunset shots in the summer. But sunrise can be equally as beautiful and photo-worthy. Get up early enough to enjoy it with a morning run…or stay up late enough to cap off an epic night.  

Document it. 
Take pictures, make videos, even make notes if you have to. Even if nobody sees them but you, remember that #summer14 only comes once and—despite the mojitos and lazy, hazy days—you’re going to want to remember it.



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