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23 Movies You Didn’t Know Were Shot in Toronto

Sure, you’d expect Canadian Bacon and Strange Brew to be filmed here. But a lot more takes place in Hollywood North than you might know about, and while a few of these films only managed to see our soundstage, we’re still counting them – ‘cause they brought some of our favourite celebs along for the ride

Sure, you’d expect Canadian Bacon and Strange Brew to be filmed here.

But a lot more takes place in Hollywood North than you might know about, and while a few of these films only managed to see our soundstage, we’re still counting them – ‘cause they brought some of our favourite celebs along for the ride.

So here are 23 movies you likely didn’t know were filmed in Toronto.

You’d better recognize.

Remember all those times you’ve been looking for the definition of irony?

American Psycho
We’ve always had better business cards up here.

The Fly
Fine, it’s Cronenberg, and you might have expected it, but you should still “be afraid, be very afraid.” 

Good Will Hunting
U of T, Central Tech, and the recently closed Upfront Bar and Grill all get their spot in Matt Damon’s sunshine.

Ever look up over your 3am poutine at The Lakeview and think, “this place looks familiar?” Well, you can thank Tom for that.

Tommy Boy
Brothers don’t shake hands, brothers gotta hug.

A Christmas Story 
For the record, our gun control laws would never allow the Red Ryder B.B. gun to be put in the hands of a child.

Police Academy
There’s a reason there were so many sequels. We like to think that reason is our city.

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
We would way rather end up at White Castle than in Mississauga any night of the week.

Love on a soundstage. Works every time. 

Mean Girls
The plastics were strutting their stuff through the halls of ECI in Etobicoke.

Cruel Intentions
The Don Jail gets a well-deserved close-up.

A History of Violence
Yes, Cronenberg again, but bringing Viggi into town is always worth a shout out.

The Incredible Hulk
The big, show-stopping fight scene? Yup, that’s on Yonge St.

Kick-Ass & Kick-Ass 2
You want to have a child actor inappropriately fighting, shooting, and swearing at bad guys? Well, we better film it in Toronto just to be safe…

Billy Madison
This might be the most obvious on the list, as an entire generation of kids that went to Northern couldn’t shut up about it.

Detroit Rock City
Remember when Eddie Furlong was cool? Ya, you’re right, it was only once. In T2.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding  
It’s about cultural identity. Obviously we got this.

Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Where else but the Big Smoke? Preach it, 50.

Pacific Rim
When you need to cancel the apocalypse, you come to Toronto. 

Half Baked
Come back, Dave. We miss you. 

We never would have skipped growing up if Casa Loma was our school. 


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