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12 Ways to Make Sure Your Weekend Won’t Suck Even if You’re Sober

After an indulgent December, more and more young professionals are quick to jump on the “Sober January” bandwagon. But “Sober January” doesn’t have to mean “Boring January.” Here are 12 ways your weekend won’t suck if you’ve committed to a January detox

So you’ve gone ahead and committed to “Sober January.”

Congratulations, you’re better than us.

But, before you even think to equate your weekend with one that resembles that of your grandparents, consider these 12 ways to tackle the next three days.

Not only will you feel occupied and accomplished, most of them are much better done soberly. Most…

1. Visit Your Parents
Sure, you just saw them over the holidays. But they probably also mentioned over Christmas dinner that they don’t get to see you as much as they’d like. Whether they live across the city or out of town, take the opportunity to spend the weekend at your parents’ (or parent’s) place. And hey – you’ll score points in the “responsible child” category once they hear about your detox.

2. Make a Museum Date
If you’re a self-proclaimed foodie, date night may take a hit in the “fun” department when the alcohol is removed from the equation (you love to end the meal with a tequila tasting, after all). Even though there’s no shame in ordering a sparkling water at a restaurant, switch up date night and hit the museum instead. You keep saying you need to go, and you’ll learn something in the process.

3. Plan Your Next Trip
Instead of spending the weekend in a social media vortex, put your laptop to good use and dedicate a good portion of the weekend to plan and research your next trip. Your excitement at the prospect of an epic trip to look forward to will distract from the fact that you can’t indulge in a mimosa-filled brunch with the ladies or pound back beers for Sunday football with the guys.

4. Play Indoor Tennis
Make it your mission to improve your tennis game by spring (or for your said vacation) and hit an indoor tennis court. That way, you can switch up your workout routine and even make a date out of it – complete with post-game smoothies. Fun, right?

5. Indulge in a Little Live Comedy
Live comedy’s always a good idea. You’re guaranteed laughs no matter what and it’s just as fun/funny sober as it is with a glass of their cheap wine in hand.

6. Read an Entire Book
When was the last time you read a good, old-fashioned book? For some of us, it’s been awhile. Swap the bar for your couch, your comfiest sweats, tea, and that book you’ve been meaning to read. You’ll rediscover how calming the whole experience can be.

7. Hit the Spa
A little detox is made all the better when accompanied by a rejuvenating visit to the spa. And with all the cash you’re saving this month in the booze department, you won’t feel guilty about splurging on the services.

8. Take Advantage of the Great Canadian Winter
Go skiing (if you can avoid the tempting après ski scene), skating, or tobogganing.  All are enjoyed almost as much with a de-thawing hot chocolate as with a hot toddy or Bloody Caesar.

9. Have a Long Overdue Hangout with Your Friends with Kids
Admit it; you don’t see your friends with kids as often as you should (and you probably wish they could have waited a little longer to pop them out). What better time for an afternoon of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, milk, and baby talk than during a sober January?

10. Marathon Watch Your Favourite Show
In the dark depths of January, there’s no shame committing to hours upon hours of marathon watching your favourite HBO/Netflix series. Everyone else is doing it anyway – they’re just doing it with a hangover.

11. Workout a Little Bit Harder
When you’ve committed to “Sober January,” it should be a given that you’ve also committed to big up your workout game. Why not? Take the opportunity (aka: the lack of a hangover) to hit the gym for longer, lift a little extra weight, or sign up for an extra yoga or Pilates class.

12. Improve Your Living Space
Take the opportunity to improve your living space for the season – you’re going to be spending a lot of time indoors for the next few months, after all. 


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