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12 Household Items Every Young Professional Should Invest In

After what felt like years of searching for your first ‘real’ job and moonlighting as a server, you’ve finally locked down your first big girl job and damn does it feel good.

As your bank account (thankfully) begins to increase you finally realize it’s time to move out of the questionable den you’ve been renting from the random guy you met on the TTC and get your own place.

But more often than not, millennials fill their first real place with junk they’ve gotten off of Bunz Trading Zone, their parents, or from IKEA. Not that there’s anything wrong with IKEA, but you reach a certain age when you should start taking pride in what you own and invest more than $75 on a mattress.


So for all of the young professionals that have just gotten their first place or for those who are just starting to decorate, we’ve rounded up the essentials, classics, and key ingredients that you shouldn’t mind investing some extra dough in to help make up the foundation of a notable home.

From décor to basics, these are the 12 household items every millennial should invest in.

Bar Cart
Price: $75-$300 (+ booze)

Blame it on Mad Men, but nothing screams suave and sophistication like a well-stocked bar cart. Whether you buy your cart second hand or brand new, you need a cart that reflects your personality and comes equipped with all of the goods you need for entertaining guests. You want a cart that will strike up a conversation with your guests and is filled with all of the essential tools and booze to make cocktails you’d feel comfortable handing to Don Draper.


Art Work
Price: $50-$500
Your space is a reflection of the state you are in life, which is why you shouldn’t have plain, blank, or dreary walls. You should have some artwork that you love hanging in your place. Whether you want to invest in an artist you like or hang up a collection of prints, find something that reflects your personality.


Price: $400-$1,000+

Anyone that lived in a college dorm room or purchased a used mattress before can attest that a cheap mattress is one of the most uncomfortable things in the world. And considering how much time we actually spend in bed, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t splurge on a comfy mattress. We’re not saying to go buy a state of the art memory foam mattress that costs three months rent (but if you did we wouldn’t judge). Buy a mattress that’s actually comfortable and that you’re proud to show off to your partners.


Area Rug
Price: $200-$1,500
Now that you’re out of your dingy apartment and living in a space you’re proud of, a good rug can really make the new space feel warm and inviting. Not to mention it’s one of the best investments you can make when it comes to decorating a room. You must decide what size you need first — a large rug can act as the backdrop that fills an entire space and creates a cozy and intimate feel, while a smaller rug can carve a larger space into a more distinct area, making it more dynamic and the focal point of the space.


Appropriate Drink Ware
Price: $50-$200

You need to invest in a set of 8 to 12 wine glasses and or cocktails glasses because there’s no more drinking out of plastic cups or red solo cups when you’re closer to 30 than 20. You can buy inexpensive glasses from a shop like Winners or Homesense or you can step it up a notch and buy a set from a unique home goods store. Just make sure you have enough glasses to entertain or throw a dinner party.


Coffee Maker
Price: $60-$500
Not indulging in Starbucks every day can not only do wonders for your wallet but you’ll be able to put your regular coffee funds toward something more important, like saving up for a house or even a new car. Whether you prefer drip, brewing a full pot, single-serve, or french press, there are so many different coffee makers available that you’ll never miss your daily Starbucks run again.


Set of Knives
Price: $50-$500
Whether you’re dealing with the basics like fruit and vegetables or you’re kicking your cooking game up a notch and preparing meat, you’re going to need to chop, slice, or dice something at some point. Which is why you need a set of good-quality knives in the kitchen and believe us, they will make all the difference when you’re cooking.


Matching Towels
Price: $50-$250 
As you begin to decorate your place you’ll start to develop a theme and you’ll realize you prefer certain colour combinations. So, when it comes time to decorate your bathrooms, you need to ensure that you stick to this theme and splurge on a set of matching towels. That’s right, no more threadbare mismatched hand-me-down towels from your mom. Towels don’t have to be fancy, but they should definitely match.


A Living Thing
Price: $15-$150 
Whether you’re more of a cat person or you feel  more comfortable around plants, it’s important to have a little life in your home. You could try growing succulents or a miniature herb garden or you can really step it up and adopt a pet.


Coffee Table Books
Price: $25-$100
Assuming you’ve moved out on your own there’s no better way to show your character to guests than with a collection of coffee table books. These give you the opportunity to show those who stop by the things that interest you. It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend who happens to be with you when you quickly run home to pick something up or an evening with cocktails watching the Oscars with friends, your guests will naturally be drawn to these books.

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Price: $30-$120
There’s a certain time in life when wearing wrinkled clothing is no longer acceptable. Investing in a quality iron (or steamer) allows you to become professional and presentable at a moment’s notice.


Thinking Chair
Price: $150-$1,000+
It doesn’t matter if you’re accompanied by a hot cup of tea on a cold winter night or by a newspaper on a crisp summer morning, a thinking chair should be a staple in every young professional’s home. This is the chair where you sit and smile after your best day or reflect after your worst. The chair must be welcoming and warm but most importantly it must show a piece of your personality. The couch is great, but for those on the go, somewhere to sit for conscious thought is extremely important.



Notable Life

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