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YPDaily: Daniel Bloch

Daniel Bloch is one of the most successful YP real estate agents Century 21 has on their team. Ranked in the top 10 in his brokerage of over 450 agents, learn about why this may be the job Daniel was born for in today’s YPDaily

Daniel Bloch comes from a family of land developers. His mother, one of Johannesburg’s leading real estate agents, and his grandfather, a property developer in Montreal gave him all of the skills he needed to be a successful real estate agent before he even knew it. Read all about his recent success and the ‘Daniel Bloch Difference’ in today’s YPDaily…

Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in a nutshell.
I find and sell people their dream homes/condos. I am a progressive realtor in a cut throat industry with plenty of competition. I like to think I try to stand out from the crowd with a “fresh approach to real estate” offering a progressive style which is packed with marketing and useful strategies to helping my clients. I love what I do because there is no better feeling than seeing someone walk into a place they can call home, or selling their place for a price they never expected.

Why did you start working at your company? What was the inspiration for this career route?
I started doing what I do because I wanted to be my own boss with my own set of hours, and run it like a business. I liked homes and décor, and was inspired by my mother who was also a realtor in South Africa, growing up between appointments with her clients and their gorgeous homes in the neighbourhood we lived in.

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
The best part is working with people who want to work with me and value my opinion. The most challenging part is when you have to work very long weeks and lose a lot of your weekends.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself running a successful team, working with clients in the downtown, midtown and suburbs of the G.T.A. I see myself as an innovator and visionary in the industry.

What does success look like to you?
It looks like having some summer months off to go travel and explore countries, while being happy with the love of my life.

What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
At this point, I can say selling my very first house (which was a significantly large sale at the time) and took me about 6 months to do working full-time as a rookie agent. I never looked back and have sold many properties since then, propelling my career to the top 10 in my Brokerage amongst 450 Realtors within my office.

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
My advice would be to put your heart into what you do. Luck only comes from hard work and there is no such thing as a quick buck or easy dollar. Everything comes from patience and persistence, and people value persistence more than you think. If you find yourself in a commission based job and not getting anywhere, change up your strategies and figure out what works.

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
I support Various charities, but the one I like the most is Friends for the Israeli Defence Force, a charity for disabled Soldiers in Israel who are injured in battle and who need many forms of help whether it be rehabilitation, wheelchairs or prosthetic limbs. It is important to me because I know some of these soldiers and a good friend of mine was killed in battle in 2001. The majority of these soldiers were serving their country for its defence, and this charity helps in so many ways, even to the point of creating security jackets that can prevent some of these atrocities of war.

What to you is notable?
Notable to me would be Toronto and all that this city has to offer. From the bad drivers to the hidden beautiful, neighbourhoods of this city and especially my top ten burger, I’m glad to be part of it and wouldn’t change it for the world!

Blackberry, iPhone, Android, or Other?
I use a Blackberry.

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