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You Probably Want to Join the Carnivore Club

If you’re a proud meat eater, you might want to make sure you’re a card-carrying member of The Carnivore Club. That’s right, you can now join a club in which a curated selection of delicious cured meats are mailed right to your door each month

We’ve all heard of monthly subscription clubs. 

And while Columbia House may have scarred you for life all those years ago, this new addition to the mail-in game might just be enough to bring you back.

After all, it’s perfectly tailored towards your refined foodie needs. (Well, as long as you’re not a vegetarian.)

‘Cause this is protein in its rawest form.  

Toronto based company, The Carnivore Club is specifically designed for meat eaters to enjoy a selection of the finest artisanal cured meats currently being produced. For $50 a month, they’ll send you 4-6 different handcrafted cured meats (and in a faux wood box, so it feels extra fancy).

As any distinguished meat lover knows, cured meats are a laborious craft that requires an exceptional amount of patience alongside some serious trial and error. This means that, while $50 may sound steep, when it comes to these cuts, it’s actually a pretty sweet (and we assume, salty) deal. 

The box changes each month, revolving around one particular style of cured meats made by a different artisan. One month it might be Italian Salumi, the next, French Charcuterie, followed the next by Spanish Chorizo.

They also take care to work with producers who use ethically treated animals and locally sourced ingredients, so you can feel a little better knowing where your meat is coming from and how it was treated. As you well know – happy, humanely treated animals make for the healthiest meat.

If you’re a fan of charcuterie and want a chance to expand your pallet with a monthly meat delivery, you should consider signing up for The Carnivore Club. Guaranteed it will make all your friends envious.

It’s also the kind of Valentine’s Day gift you can give to your boyfriend that will make him think you’re the coolest person in the world. 


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