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You Can Now Google Your Lost Phone to Find It

You can Google pretty much everything in existence, so it only makes sense that you can now Google your lost phone as well. Unlike almost everything, however, this handy little feature is only available for Android users

Here’s something you don’t hear very often: Only for Android. 

That’s what happens when Google’s running things. 

The next time you lose your Android phone – a guarantee, no doubt – a simple Google search may be able to locate the last bathroom or taxi in which you most recently parted with your beloved device. The phone-finding feature works by typing “find my phone” into Google, which fetches a map displaying your phone’s last known location.

You can also call the phone in the case that you’ve simply left it under a pizza box around the apartment – even though it’ll likely be on silent anyway. 

The feature requires you to be logged into the same Google account on your desktop and mobile to work, and can also be called into action through the Google search app.


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