TCHAD Quarterly may sound like a regular magazine, but it is much more. Combining stunning art and photographs, and a sleek, minimalistic visual design, the coffee table book publication offers insightful editorial, timely interviews, fashion spreads and product features that reflect the interests of its affluent and influential readers. Find out more about TCHAD’s Co-Founder in today’s feature…
Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in a nutshell.
As Co-Founder of TCHAD Quarterly, I am responsible for executive editorial decisions, advertising, online and social media, and constantly improving and finding ways to move forward. This also includes keeping the staff happy, a lot of meetings, networking and planning – something different every day. What I do daily before 10 am is more than the average person does in a day.
Why did you start this company?
This question is different because every day, I don’t feel like I am working. I started TCHAD Quarterly because in life some people look for jobs. This one found me.
What was the inspiration for this career route?
I had the opportunity to spend quality time with Gene Simmons from Kiss and he suggested becoming a media mogul because of my life experience. His words and suggestion came to fruition. I saw an opportunity to leave behind a legacy by empowering TCHAD to be a voice and purveyor of lifestyle.
What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis?
Talking to clients, meeting new clients, watching the expression on peoples’ faces when they get a copy of TCHAD Quarterly in hand! Getting the opportunity to learn from like-minded entrepreneurs.
The most challenging part?
Unfortunately, being a young black professional is intimidating to some people. You find that people, no matter what, will second-guess you as the “owner” of TCHAD Quarterly. This inspires me to do more. I don’t live vicariously through this but use it as fuel. On the other side, because I enjoy doing what I do, it’s always the pursuit of happiness; and you are constantly scrutinizing yourself. That change will come with maturity and by being surrounded with successful people.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
On a beach with my wife, laptop, and a drink with small little straw hats! You can never predict what will happen in five years because life is always changing. I know my legacy will be there with recognition and I do know that the mission to give back will be implemented. TCHAD Quarterly will be recognized across North America as a media company and not just a coffee table book. The mission isn’t to regulate or structure the next five years because that isn’t what people do. In today’s fast-changing world of information, it’s not a realistic approach and for some it is a set up for failure. Short-term goals are more realistic because they are attainable. The mission is to make sure you are building for a positive future where others, including your children, can learn to be leaders.
What does success look like to you?
Success is properly raising a family to understand the value of life and to balance out everything so when you reach the finish line, you finish well-conditioned and not huffing and puffing. And to be able to give back good intentions.
What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
I haven’t reached it yet – there is my mission.
Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
Do not put your ego or sense of entitlement before your experience. Be patient and it will come. Don’t dilly dally: ask for what you want and go for it. Don’t chase money, have integrity, be loyal, and share your values. The only thing you have to do in business is get along with people.
Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
I support SickKids, War Child, School of Hustle and Movember, and would like to go more international with G Adventures to help sustainability where we travel. They are all important to me because it’s almost instant gratification and it’s hands on. To see the expression change on an ill child’s face is priceless and to speak to teens who want to learn to do things for themselves is an honour.
What to you is notable?
Integrity. Those who can do something for someone who can never return the favour.
Blackberry, iPhone, Android, or Other?
iPhone! Can’t beat SIRI!