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Working Your Core in Calgary

If you ask any fitness expert, they'll likely tell you that the first thing to work on is your core. Your abdominal muscles provide strength for the rest of your body to keep balance, have more endurance and prevent injuries. Not to mention, everyone likes a six-pack

As the weather warms up, fabrics get lighter, clothes get shorter, and many young professionals’ fitness goals turn to their core. YPs want to look and feel their best, and making sure their core is strong is one of the best ways to do so.

The core is the major connecting link in your body’s chain of movement and is essential for both basic activity (like walking) and skilled performance (like hockey). Having a strong core means you will sit and stand tall while protecting yourself from injuries that could prevent you from staying active.

Here are four places where you can work your core in Calgary:

Heavens Elevated Fitness 
This downtown fitness studio has infused core training into all of its programs based on the premise that a healthy core will keep your body functionally strong, healthy, and happy. Specific core-based classes such as Pilates Infused Core, Yoga Core, and Fusion are offered throughout the week. 

The School of Decidedly Jazz
Craving that six-pack? A hip hop class might be the way to go. A strong core is fundamental to dance and Decidedly Jazz has a variety of classes to challenge your core, including Bolly Hip Hop (fusion of Bollywood and Hip Hop), Breaking, Groove & Tone Hip Hop, and more. 

Calgary’s Pathway System
There are over 700 kilometers of maintained pathway where you can walk, run, cycle, or skate to work out your core. Bonus: you can map your route using the mobile pathways and bikeways app. 

At home
Jessica Power-Cyr, Fitness Director at Heavens Elevated Fitness, shares this simple core blasting workout that you can do at home. For best results, do this circuit no more than two to three times per week.

Elbow Plank from the Toes: Hold for 15 seconds and rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times. 

Side Elbow Plank from the Toes: Hold for 15 seconds and rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times per side. 

V-Sit: Hold for 15 seconds and rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times. 

Oblique Crunches: Perform for 15 seconds and rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

To engage your core, pull your belly button to your spine and contract your pelvic floor. Still not sure? Feel your fingers just above the hip bones; if your core is activated you shouldn’t be able to push your fingers into your stomach.

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