If you are in advertising, marketing or communications, you better be prepared for FFWD Advertising and Marketing Week. Thankfully, we have compiled a Survival Guide for everything you need to know for FFWD AdWeek, from the best pre and post event places to entertain clients to what you should be tweeting and everything in between.
Twitter plays a huge role in advertising and communications, and if you’re on your phone, you best be tweeting. In addition to highlights of the speakers series, here is what you should be spending your 140 characters on during the week.
On Monday night before/during our Notable Launch Party.
Checking out what and who’s Notable tonight at the #FFWD Opening Night Party! #LYNL
On Thursday afternoon before AdBall:
Sounds like @ChrisHadfield was consulted on the theme for this year’s AdBall – stoked for #galaxygala tonight @UNIUNnightclub.
At AdBall on Thursday:
TwitPic of you and @ChrisHadfield pretending to #moonwalk. (Or a TwitPic of you alone pretending to #moonwalk).
Wearables – so hot right now. @GenevaFilmCo Go, go gadget advertising!
On Friday before Cannes Winning Commercials:
The world’s best commercials all in a row! Thanks @GlobeandMail.
On Friday before the Marketing Hall of Legends:
#legen… wait for it… dary marketers! Marketing Hall of Legends tonight.
Of course, throughout the week, don’t forget to #LYNL (Live Your Notable Life).
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