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Toronto’s Best Grilled Cheese As Voted By You

We gave you seven days to decide where you could find the best grilled cheese sandwich in Toronto. And it seems that there was no disagreement in this poll, with one restaurant claiming more than half the vote

And the winner is: 


By accumulating more than half of the votes, it’s obvious where Notable Toronto readers prefer to go to pick up their favourite comfort food.

It shouldn’t be too much of a surprise though. A great downtown location, a passionate dedication to all things cheese, and craft beer and wine. We basically just described our own dream kitchen.

Cut the Cheese managed to do The Junction proud by picking up nearly a fifth of the total vote, while the ‘other’ category spilt several ways and both The Grilled Cheese and Melt Grilled Cheese earned respectable tallies.  

Below you’ll find a 3D pie graph – ‘cause we fancy – that breaks down all the big numbers. Take a look, and if you disagree with what you see let us know in the comment section, or, you know, just vote next time. 


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