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This $200K Treehouse Complex is a Legit Home With Hot Tub, Skate Park, and Wi-Fi

When we think of treehouses, we often think of related things that defined our childhood – tin cans attached by strings, flashlights, sleepovers, special clubs, and suspenseful getaways in Home Alone movies.

Rarely do we think about a $200K development project that includes a wood-fired hot tub and access to Netflix.

Foster Huntington is a photographer/blogger from Washington, who after ditching a job in NYC to surf and camp through 100,000 miles of travel, sat down with some pals last year and designed the ultimate treehouse.

And now, thanks to his best friend who owns a design & build firm, his mother, who is a carpenter, his mother’s boyfriend, who is a timber-framer, and the help of some generous friends, it’s finally a reality.

The treehouse part of the complex has two enclosed structures strung up on two massive Douglas firs, each about 200 square feet in size, connected by a 25-foot bridge. And don’t worry, the main cabin actually has stairs going up to it.

Along the hillside of the property, just beside the trees, is a rebar-framed concrete skate bowl. And of course, so people can actually get some work done (the key word being, “some”), both units are Wi-Fi-enabled. And don’t even get us started on the view…

If this is what growing up actually looks like, count us in.

“I have always loved treehouses, so I thought it was time to build a big-boy one,” Huntington told Outside Magazine. “I wanted to make a place where my friends would want to come hang…I’ll still be traveling, but I want it to be a place where my friends can come stay and work…I wanted a bitching clubhouse.”

We’re pretty sure he nailed it.

All photos courtesy of Foster Huntington.

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