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These Tech Entrepreneurs Want You to Live Rent-Free in Their £8 million Penthouse in London

As city-dwelling millennials, we spend a depressingly large percentage of our paycheck on rent.

So imagine having the opportunity to live in an £8 million penthouse in London – complete with onsite chef and pool table – absolutely free.

An ensuite double room in a 4000-square foot Paddington abode was advertised on apartment sharing site Spare Room. And what do your potential roommates want for it?

Zip, nada, nil. Not a penny. Too good to be true? It actually gets better.

The penthouse has a team of household staff to take care of cleaning and laundry, “a chef who prepares delicious meals five days a week, and a team of drivers who take us out to party!”

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So what’s the catch? Is the room a windowless dungeon? Cripplingly expensive deposit? Naked Wednesdays?

No, actually. The ‘catch’, if you can even call it that, is that the two entrepreneurs would like someone to hang out with, party with, bounce ideas around with, and generally enjoy all that London has to offer.

Sounds awful.

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Kai Feller and Andrew Michael – the two guys living in the Paddington pad – have successfully built and sold two well-known technology companies and are working on their third. As a result, they don’t need the money. But what they do need is an awesome roommate to chill with.

So what credentials must you possess to qualify for this Ritchie Rich-type chance of a lifetime?

Well, the guys are very open-minded, but they suggest that you might also be successful and wealthy (a not-so-humble brag) and want to live with like-minded individuals.

The ad points out that “being entrepreneurial and into technology is a big plus and enjoying getting drunk quite often is essential!”

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How far is the commute from London to Toronto again?

However, smoking, Chihuahua-hating candidates need not apply (they have two). No extra pets are allowed and guests are not permitted unless agreed in advance.

Which seems a fairly small price to pay when you’re living in central London, rent-free, bills included, and being actively encouraged to party hard in the city.

According to Business Insider, close to 10,000 people have already applied so far – so if you’re looking to relocate you better make your application stands out from the many other potential roomies.

Start dusting off the red cups and polishing your party tricks now.


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