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These are Some of the Amazing Perks the Biggest Companies in the World Offer Their Employees

Warning: the following may produce some serious work envy.

When it comes to choosing the company we work for, there are many things to take into account: fulfilment, compensation, benefits, flex time schedules, and company values, just to name a few. Extra perks aren’t bad either.

With employee retention being a top concern for many companies, more and more attention is being paid to keeping employees happy. How do they do this? Well, sometimes it’s the little things that go a long way.


According to a recent study by HR software company Technology Advice, 56% of employees ranked job perks as either moderately or very important when choosing a job. Among the most desired perks are flexible schedule at 31.8% and gym membership at 41.1%.

But why stop at gym membership, when there’s so much more?

The infographic below, courtesy of Chair Office, highlights 12 big companies with some serious perks. Their lucky employees can take advantage of things like free beer and gourmet food, exclusive retreats, year-round Friday half days, and a variety of entertainment options. On top of the surface level perks, are those with deeper benefits like tuition reimbursement, adoption assistance, wellness programs, and support for volunteer and passion projects.

Check out the infographic below – but don’t say we didn’t warn you…


Melissa Stuckless

Melissa is a Toronto-based writer and communications professional who is currently penning her debut novel. She believes that champagne is the solution to any problem and that dreaming big is the key to success.Melissa is a Toronto-based writer and communications professional who is currently penning her debut novel. She believes that champagne is the solution to any problem and that dreaming big is the key to success.