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These 9 CEOs Are Paid at Least 800 Times More Than Their Employees

When it comes to reasonable theories about how the world might end, global war over astonishing wealth inequality probably ranks somewhere near the top alongside global warming and asteroids.

And when the earth’s next generation eventually evolves again and looks back on who caused this whole thing, they’ll know it was these guys – including one CEO who earns over 2,000 times more than the median pay of his workers.

A recent ruling forces companies to disclose the pay gap between workers and their CEO – and when you look at the findings, it’s easy to understand why so many companies rigorously opposed the law. According to an analysis of worker pay data from and CEO pay data from S&P Capital IQ, these are nine CEOs who are paid at least 800 times more than their employees.

All of them, unsurprisingly, are from the United States.

A full breakdown, courtesy USA Today, below:



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