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The Notable Top Painter: Who’s Your Pick for the 2014 Art Battle National Championships?

After more than 400 rounds of signature live painting competition parties across the country, the National Championships mark an exciting end to the Art Battle season. We want you to be there, of course, along with your favourite artist. That's why you can vote a painter back into the competition and win two VIP tickets to the event...

After more than 150 events (and over 400 rounds) of signature live painting competition parties across the country, the National Championships mark an exciting end to the Art Battle season. 

It all goes down at the iconic Maple Leaf Gardens (well, now it is technically the Mattamy Athletic Centre, but whatever) on Saturday, July 26th. We (and hopefully you) will join over a thousand others to watch Art Battle champions from across Canada create works of art in just 20 minutes in hopes of taking home the $2000.00 cash prize and the title of Art Battle National Champion for a year.

Buy your ticket to the 2014 Art Battle National Championship here. Notable readers can use the code ‘CULTURE’ to save $5 off the ticket price. 

*The notable part? You can help bring your favourite Art Battle artists who didn’t make the finals back to participate at the Art Battle National Championships. 

Three of the following will become the Notable Top Art Battle Painters, who you can vote for in the survey below.

*The more notable part? We’re giving away two tickets to one Notable reader who entered in the survey… so get voting. Now.

Olga Pankova
Winner of multiple awards for excellence in skill and community involvement, Olga is one of the GTA’s most sought-after portrait artists. Her performance this year at Art Battle was stellar, winning in Markham and finishing a close second in the Golden Horseshoe Finals. 

Lavinia Ungureanu
A graduate of OCADU, Lavinia works as a freelance artist in fine art, graphic design and illustration. The winner of Art Battle 100 this year and Art Battle 50 in 2013, Lavinia is one of Art Battle’s most successful painters and represented Toronto in last year’s National Championship.

There’s not much that we can say about this notorious street artist that hasn’t already been said by the Department of Justice. He’s awesome. Verbal’s Art Battle season stretched over multiple cities and saw him make it to the finals in three events this year.

Diana Polizeno
This award-winning Montreal-based artist has a rich and beautiful understanding of movement and figure. Runner-up in the Montreal City Finals, she is an experienced live painter who has also starred this year in Le Virus d’Improvisation Picturale.

Cet artiste Montrealaise primée a une compréhension riche et belle de mouvement et de la figure. Elle est une artiste avec beaucoup d’expérience avec la peinture en direct. Elle était une Finaliste dans les finales de la Ville de Montreal, et a aussi participé cette année à Le Virus d’Improvisation Picturale. 

Mark Stephenson
Amongst the Capital Region’s top portrait painters and arts event organizers, Mark is known for his striking realism and subtle use of palette. The 2013 Art Battle Ottawa Champion, Mark competed in last year’s National Championship and placed second in this year’s Ottawa Final.

Alex Bayliss
One of Toronto’s most versatile and energetic artists, Alex is known for painting, graphic design, Illustration and all-around amazingness. One of the shining stars of Art Battle, Alex has competed successfully in several events and finals over the last season and is a true fan favourite.

Lazarus Ioannou
A true champion of multiple disciplines, Lazarus has shifted his efforts from urban corporate design towards fine art and the country-side. An award winning painter and community advocate, Laz had an amazing first year in Art Battle, making the finals in 2 different cities.


The contest ends Sunday, July, 20th and the winner will be announced on Monday, July 21st. Art Battle National Championship tickets are available for purchase here


You voted to bring your favourite Art Battle artist back to participate at the National Championships. 

After two weeks of voting, we have found our winner. She is one of the GTA’s most sought-after portrait artists, Olga Pankova.  Congratulations Olga on being able to participate. Our second runner up was Lazarus Ioannou, follwed by Lavinia Ungureanu. 

Cover image from: Art Battle Facebook page

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