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The Notable Awards Is Back!

For the first time, the Notable has partnered with the City of Toronto through its Live Green Toronto program to bring you the REV Award!

After a pandemic pause, we’re thrilled to announce the Notable Awards is back! This time, we are a completely digital experience with all submissions, voting and winner announcements taking place online. We took things from IRL to URL to serve our community better. This year, the digital awards allow us to shine the light on exceptional Canadian talent across the country for a truly inclusive celebration of the Notable.

But wait, there’s more! For the first time, the Notable has partnered with the City of Toronto through its Live Green Toronto program to bring you the REV Award! The recipient of the Rev Award will receive a $10,000 grant that celebrates their businesses taking meaningful steps to reduce their impact on the environment. We hope that telling your green story and sharing your success will encourage others to take action. We invite applications from entrepreneurs who have integrated sustainability into the essence of their businesses – from strategy to operations to products – and can demonstrate that these efforts have made a difference. 

Need some help getting started? Below are some commonly asked questions, and you can find more information on the official Notable Awards 2023 site,

What are the Notable Awards?

The Notable Awards are Canada’s foremost recognition program, dedicated to celebrating the significant achievements of exceptional individuals. Nominees are endorsed by their communities. Winners are subsequently determined through a combination of public voting and the deliberations of the Notable Committee, resulting in 150+ official nominees spanning over 30 categories.

Who can submit a nomination?

Anyone 18+ in Canada can submit a nomination for themselves or someone spectacular.
For the Rev Award, visit the Notable Awards FAQ page.

Where do I nominate someone?

You can nominate yourself, someone else or a business at

Notable Life

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