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Tips for Making Over Your Closet

We’ve been shopping our whole lives and we all have closets filled with clothes, so how is it that we can never find anything to wear? Buying the latest bag, dress or suit is pointless if you can never find it when you are getting dressed. Having a clean, well-organized wardrobe is vital to getting dressed on a hectic morning and can even add a little enjoyment in the wee hours

Socialnomics Author Erik Qualman Talks Social Media and Influence

Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics, an award-winning book on the power of influence, as well as a TEDx speaker, reveals that nearly one in five Canadians report that social media has made them more influential. According to him, the power and influence of word of mouth is turning to “world of mouth”

From Sochi 2014 to the NHL: A Sneak Peek at CBC Coverage

From the Olympic Games to Saturday night’s beloved Hockey Night in Canada, it’s safe to say that the CBC is highly influential in Canadian sports broadcasting. We caught up with Trevor Pilling, Head of Programming at CBC Sports and Hockey Night in Canada, last week to learn a little more about what we can expect in 2014

Four Liberating Words: I Can’t Afford That

What are your vices? That’s the question that kicked off the panel discussion at Credit Education Week’s Money Talks luncheon on November 13th. As we learned, nearly all Canadians admit to impulse spending, and nearly all admit to having a particular spending vice. The solution? Four simple words

Take Back the Night With Science.

Just when you thought you were about to get a glimpse of the penguin exhibit or Tyrannosaurus Rex, hundreds of tiny people with their sticky popsicle hands emerge and instantly crowd around the very attraction you were so looking forward to seeing. Not anymore