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Wasaga Beach is (Finally) Getting a Facelift

When was the last time you were at Wasaga Beach? For most of us, it was probably in undergrad (or even high school). And you likely swore on the way home that you’d never go back, as you sat in the car trying to shake off the hangover, bad decisions,

Puppies, Tacos, and Sundae Stations: Klick Inc. is Serious About Workplace Perks

When it comes to “perks” of the job, one Toronto-based company has been making headlines for years for their perk-filled corporate culture. Employees at Klick Inc. already enjoy things like free meals, complimentary morning yoga, and holiday gifts like the seriously comfy Casper mattresses. But when asked what would really

San Francisco Becomes the First Global City in North America to Ban Fur Sales

It’s happening; the anti-fur movement is gaining major traction. While the backlash against rocking fur is nothing new (remember the anti-fur red paint throwers back in the 80s and 90s?), it’s become impossible to ignore; now, the first global North American city has passed legal action against the sale of fur. Last

Freelance Life: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Gig Economy

In theory, freelance life seems pretty damn great. After all, it means the ability to flip open your laptop and work poolside from anywhere in the world, a morning “commute” that involves a trek from your bed to your home workspace, unlimited vacation days, and zero bosses. And, for the