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Report: Not a single country in the world is prepared enough for a pandemic

The coronavirus outbreak, known as COVID-19, is officially a pandemic. That essentially means the disease has achieved global reach. And how prepared is the world to deal with such a development? According to a report from October 2019 – before the COVID-19 outbreak – not a single country in the

Want to Start a business? Here’s Where You Should Live

So you want to start a business. Nice. Great! You’re probably well aware that you should give yourself every advantage possible. Beg your friends and family to talk about your venture on social media. A steady diet of tuna and crackers so you have more money to spend on metallic

Canada Drops Two Places in Latest World Happiness Ranking

Every year the World Happiness Report exists to remind us that a very specific corner of the world is living on cloud nine while the rest of us miserable sacks play catch up. That’s true again this year, of course, as the totally legit Happiness Research Institute has declared Finland

Canada Named 3rd-Best Country in the World in Shiny New Survey

Every day the Internet abounds with new claims about which is the best country in the world. Of course, it’s difficult to gauge how official any of these rankings really are. Among the more reputable, however, is the annual ‘Best Countries’ report published by US News & World Report. The survey evaluates

These Are the Best Cities in the World to Celebrate Pride

We’re officially in the second week of Pride Month. Which means you have three weeks left to celebrate everything LGBTQ. And if you’re lucky enough to live in Toronto, you know that’s a task definitely worth taking up. Some might even say there’s no better place than Toronto to put on