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3 Canadian Cities Rank Among World’s Best for ‘Work-Life Balance’

Look, I don’t know what kind of back-door dealings are transpiring here, but three Canadian cities were recently ranked among the best in the world for work-life balance. This is according to a study conducted by the tech company Kisi, which compared data on work intensity, institutional support, legislation, and livability.

Canada Just Added a Record Number of Jobs in a Single Month

Canada added the population of a mid-sized city to its job market in the month of April. According to Statistics Canada, 107,000 people found employment last month. It’s the most jobs ever added month-to-month since record-keeping began in 1976. What’s most encouraging is that strong gains were seen among young workers, older workers

These Are the Skills Giving Immigrants Express Entry to Canada

Late last year, the federal government announced an ambitious plan to welcome 1 million new immigrants to the country by the end of 2021. That puts the country almost on pace to achieve an even more ambitious forecast: a population of 100 million by the year 2100. If our doors

These Are the 25 Best Places in Canada to Work Next Year

Every year tens of millions of Canadians go to work. Some love it, some hate it, the majority tolerate it. If your goal for the new year is to belong to the first group, workplace review and spiteful employee narcing platform Glassdoor could help you get a foot in the