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Toronto is Officially the Worst City in North America to Commute

Well, we’ve made it – Torontonians can now be envious of commuting in Los Angeles. A recent study has confirmed that Toronto has the worst commute times in all of North America. In fact, of the 74 commuter hotspots in 16 countries analyzed, there were only five cities that scored worse.

Ranking: These Are Canada’s Most Congested Cities

Across Canada, you’ll find people who’ll tell you their city is the just the worst for traffic. But which city truly is the most congested? Thanks to the INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard, which analyzed and ranked the impact of traffic congestion in over 1300 cities around the world, we have the answer. Ranked

Toronto May Have Finally Found a Solution to its Traffic Problem

Ever since, oh, about ever, Toronto has been a hellscape to navigate. And as is the case with any inconvenience these days, there’s an app for that. Enter Maze, which touts itself as the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation app. The City of Toronto recently announced a partnership with

Ground-Level Traffic Lights Are Being Installed for Phone Zombies

We’ve all been there: staring down at our phone only to be disrupted from our gaze by bus barrelling past a foot in front of us. If only we’d seen that pedestrian signal. It’s a sad state of affairs, really, but cities are starting to accept that people are no