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Toronto Blue Jay’s Cut Roberto Osuna After Domestic Abuse Arrest

This time last year, Roberto Osuna was The Blue Jay’s saving grace. The pitcher, drafted in 2015 as a 20-year old protege, would run to the field with a roar of applause. Fans marvelled at Osuna’s age, athletic ability, and success rate, as he rarely left the mound without striking

Josh Donaldson Will Play a Viking on TV Tomorrow Night

It turns out Josh Donaldson’s talents go far beyond third base (no pun intended; get your mind out of the gutter). If you tune into the popular History Channel series “Vikings” this Wednesday, you’ll catch the Toronto Blue Jays third baseman showing off his acting chops in a guest spot.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Party Like the Jays at the Rogers Centre

You now have another reason to hit the Rogers Centre this season. Prepare yourself for banter and brews at the home of the Blue Jays. Presented by Jays Care Foundation Young Professionals Board, Extra Innings: Dugout Talks & Ballpark Brews will give fans special access to the Rogers Centre as well as the opportunity

The 10 People You Will Always See at a Toronto Sports Event

Attending a live sports event is always a memorable experience. From the pre-game warmup, to the over-priced drinks and fans in attendance, very few things change from city to city. And in Toronto, it doesn’t matter if you’re cheering on the Leafs, the Jays or the Raptors, you will notice that the