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Toronto Weekender: February 5 through 8, 2015

From the freezer into the frying pan, we’ve traded the cold month of January in order to bask in the romantic month of February. Literally every scene except the weather is heating up this month: music, food, art, charity events, sports, and of course a little thing we like to call “the weekend”

Toronto Weekender: January 29 to February 1, 2015

We made it, Toronto; as of this Sunday, January will finally be behind us. We just need one more big weekend ending with one big game, and it’s on to the romantic (and shortest) month of February. That big weekend starts now

Toronto Weekender: January 22 through 25, 2015

Just as January is starting to feel like the longest month of the year, the event scene is getting its legs back. So throw on those high-socks and grease up those wallets because starting this weekend, this month is officially giving you a run for your money

Montreal Weekender: January 22 through 25, 2015

From Old Hollywood taking over an Old Montreal landmark to a silent disco ice skating party, our city is battling the cold with style and grace. So what’s the conclusion of all this? Clear your social calendar, ‘cause things are starting to seriously heat up

Calgary Weekender: January 22 through 25, 2015

Rock out at MacEwan hall, kick back with cocktails at Milk Tiger, or participate in the numerous dance parties happening in and around town. These are just a few of the hot cool things going down on this cool (but not cold) weekend