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A Huge Change Could be Coming to Your Facebook Newsfeed Soon

There are some major rumours swirling on the Facebook front. The social media outlet could be testing the biggest change to its newsfeed since it launched. Apparently, Facebook has plans to split the feed up into separate topics. At least, this is according to screenshots that reveal versions of the

Google’s New iPhone Keyboard is a Total Game-Changer

Google just released a new iPhone keyboard – and it’s a total game-changer. Solving one of the most common daily First World problems known to millennials, the new keyboard has a Google search function built in, eliminating the need to switch apps when you want to look up an address

Apps for Couples Perpetuate the Problem with Modern Dating

It seems that a new latest and greatest dating app hits the singles scene every week. There are almost as many options for dating apps as there are seemingly limitless options of potentials on the apps themselves. The focus on the app-facilitated dating world, of course, has been on meeting

World’s First Home Body Scanner Tracks Your Fitness Journey in 3D

Sometimes simply standing in front of the mirror isn’t enough to encourage a visit to the gym. For better or worse, the way that we see ourselves isn’t “reflective” of how we actually look. We tend to focus on those annoying problem areas while ignoring the physical improvement in other