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The New Ice Hotel Just Opened and the Pictures Are Absolutely Amazing

Located about 200km north of the Arctic Circle, in the Swedish town of Jukkasjärvi (je-AUkis-JAR-vee), there are about 553 things. 550 of them are people. One of the things is a lake and another is a wooden church. Perhaps the most well-known thing in Jukkasjärvi however, is The Ice Hotel.

9 Things Canada Could Learn From Scandinavia

Sweden recently announced that every 16-year-old will receive a copy of ‘We Should All Be Feminists’. And while we’re hardly surprised to see such forward thinking from the Scandinavians, who consistently top the polls for the happiest and healthiest humans on the planet, it does beg the question – what’s

Sweden is Moving Toward a 6-Hour Workday

For many young professionals, the once typical 9-5 workday is no longer a thing. As in, it’s more like 8-6 – at least. But in Sweden (a country, as you probably know, that enjoys one of the highest qualities of life in the world), some companies are moving in the

Sweden Will Open the First Emergency Centre for Male Victims of Rape

Sweden has the highest rape rate in Europe, with 370 of recorded cases involving the sexual assault of men or boys. Many experts believe the actual number is even higher. [ad_bb1] The severity of rape against one gender can’t be measured against that of another, of course, but rape against men, usually by