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Digital FinTech & Credit Card Issuer Woos Canadians

Living in Canada, we often hear complaints about industries that need a shake-up. Airlines, Telecoms, and credit card companies are a few that seem to lack innovation, leaving the consumer to pay the price. Corporations walk a fine line between creating bigger profit margins, while also creating services that actually

Actually, Canada’s Commitment to Social Programs Kind of Sucks

We Canadians love to be uppity about our healthcare system. Especially when it comes to bragging rights in the face of our neighbours to the South. What may come as a major shock to your patriotic health, however, is that the United States actually spends more public money on its

These Are the Provinces Where Canadians Spent the Most on Alcohol

It’s no secret that Canadians love to sink a few wobbly pops from time to time. Some more than others. More specifically, some in particular provinces more than those who live in other provinces. Statistics Canada recently published data about Canadians’ drinking habits, which revealed that, yes, we consume a

Trying to Save Money? Stay Off Social Media

If you’re trying to save money, you may want to take a break from social media. A new survey reveals that one in four millennials say they feel pressured to keep up with their friends’ spending and lavish lifestyles, especially when it involves social media posts they see around purchases