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Is Social Media Glamourizing Mental Illness?

When scrolling through your social media channels, how often do you see mental health buzz words like “depressed” or “anxiety” thrown around casually?  I’m sure the answer is often; it’s become so normalized we don’t even think twice about it! With the 21st century came the emergence of greater mental health

10 Social Media Accounts to Follow For Empowering Black Voices

If there was ever a time to add impactful and empowering Black voices to your social media feed, it’s right now (actually, it was long before now). This is especially true for non-Black people who are looking to learn and listen – as so many have publicly pledged to do

#NotablePeople: Creator of Black Owned Toronto Kerin John

At just 23 years old, Kerin John has grown her platform exponentially in a matter of weeks of launching it. What does this say? That not only is her page amazing but that it’s very very important. The newfound conscientious wave to consume more responsibly and support Black-owned businesses has

Will COVID-19 Ruin the Instagram Star?

For the better part of the past decade, the term “influencer” has been common – perhaps even overused – in everything from marketing and public relations strategies, to personally curated social media worlds. The life of an influencer – especially a travel influencer – seems like a dream come true

#NotablePeople: Jennifer Zhang of JENerationDIY

Jennifer Zhang, a YouTuber with a following of over 2 million, wants you to know that you, yes you, can DIY your own successful social media channel with the technology you currently have – no fancy equipment required. We had the chance to chat with her on how she got