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Branden Goodman: Today’s Notable Young Professional

Today’s Notable Young Professional is L’Oréal Canada’s Branden Goodman, who’s currently part of the Luxury Division’s digital team in charge of eRetail. We caught up with Branden to talk about the inspiration behind his career route and where he sees himself in five years… [ad_bb1] Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in

6 Toronto Pop-Ups We’re Loving This Summer

The greatest thing about summer is, of course, the warm weather. This warm weather gives life to one of the other great things about summer – the influx of pop-ups you’ll find around the city. Here are 6 pop-ups we’ve had on our radar this summer, that you should schedule

Where to Find the Perfect Suit for Every Young Professional Man

One of the most important aspects of any young professional’s life is looking the part. Whether it’s an important interview, a big pitch, your best friend’s wedding, or you just happen to consider wearing a three-piece part of your daily ritual, a good suit goes a long way. A great

There is a Cool New Way to Shop for Your Toronto Apartment

There’s a new way to go apartment shopping in Toronto – and it involves entering a different apartment. Yes, say goodbye to Ikea, CB2 and Design Republic – and say hello to 800 SQ FT. This new shoppable apartment idea popped up as a way to help the many of us

The ‘Tempescope’ Shows You Tomorrow’s Weather in Your Living Room

If you live in Toronto, you probably could have used the Tempescope yesterday, you know, before the streetlights came on at midday and the downpour soaked the entire city. If you’re a visual type of person, the Tempescope makes checking the weather a lot less daunting than looking at online forecasts – as in,