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13 Things that are Better to Buy Used than New

Sure, it’s fun to buy things when they’re shiny and new – especially if we’ve been patiently saving for them. But there are some things that – unless you have a limitless bank account – make far more sense to buy secondhand. That way, you won’t feel so bad when

14 Notable Ways to Save Money that Won’t Cramp Your Style

Money. Most of us just never have enough of it. After all, living a notable life in our cities isn’t cheap – no matter how well you’re doing. But let’s face it: being on a budget makes it pretty hard to enjoy dropping $20 on a single cocktail. With that said, here are 14 ways to save money that won’t cramp your lifestyle

6 Reasons to Feel Fine About Splurging on a Summer Vacation

It’s pretty expensive and your wallet has already taken a beating thanks to the million weddings and bachelor(ettes) since spring. The responsible side of you tells you that you probably shouldn’t do it. But here are six reasons to justify that last-minute vacation splurge

Why do Canadians Wait Until the 11th Hour to Contribute to RRSPs?

Young or old, there appears to be a growing trend among Canadians: despite having an entire year to contribute to RRSPs, the majority of us wait until the last minute to do so. Why are Canadians waiting until the 11th hour to contribute when it surely only makes their lives more difficult, resulting in a potential scramble for a lump sum?

The Other Things You Should Be Saving Up For

An important part of living a balanced and responsible life as a young professional is having a firm handle on our finances. We pay our bills on time, contribute to a retirement fund, meet regularly with our financial advisor, and live according to a realistic budget. We should be good, right?