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Iconic Canadian CBC Host Peter Mansbridge Announces His Retirement

Long-time CBC staple Peter Mansbridge has announced he will step down from his position as chief correspondent of CBC News after a 28-year run. His final broadcast will air on Canada Day, 2017 – the country’s 150th birthday. “As someone who believes strongly in public broadcasting, leaving the CBC’s flagship will

This is How Much Money You Should Have Already Saved for Retirement

We’re sorry to make you cry during the holidays. But you can blame JPMorgan. ‘Cause the financial institution’s 2015 Guide to Retirement is less eye-opener, more tear-jerker. By using the handy little graph below, you can see all the money you should have saved by now (but probably haven’t). Just find your

Canadians Are Starting to See Their Golden Years Differently

Have you thought about your ideal retirement lately? It’s something a lot of Canadians have had on their mind since the 2008 recession, and it doesn’t look so ideal: many of us are expecting to work full-time past our 65th year and are increasingly worried about our savings covering even a modest post-work life

RRSP 101: What You Need to Know

The RRSP deadline is approaching. 18% of your income up to a maximum of $23,820 can be placed into designated accounts and funds to help lower the amount of taxes you owe. What is an RRSP? Does it make sense to put money into one? What should it be invested in and what is all the hype about?