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Tinder Users Can Now Swipe Right for the Next President of the United States

If you hadn’t noticed by now, there’s a presidential election going on in the U.S. And while many millennial-aged Americans may know who they’re definitely NOT voting for (hint: Donald Trump), that’s not much use when it comes to marking their ballot on November 8, 2016. [ad_bb1] So help is at hand in the form of

Rumour Has It: Saskatoon Could Make Gossiping in Public Illegal

A word of caution for the sh*t-talkers in Sakatoon: Bullying and repeated gossiping could soon be illegal in the city. Under a proposed City of Saskatoon anti-bullying bylaw, rumour mongering, name-calling, taunting, mocking, and ostracizing would be outlawed in ‘Hub City.’ In February 2014, Saskatoon city council asked city hall