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These Are the Most Spectacular Oktoberfest Beer Halls in the World

We say “the world,” but what we really mean is “in Munich.” Because, let’s be honest, nothing rivals the 2500-person beer cathedrals that host over SEVEN MILLION jolly drinkers during Bavaria’s beloved Oktoberfest. Photographer Michael von Hassel recently opened an exhibit that showcases just how spectacular these beer halls are, featuring

Socality Barbie Perfectly Mocks the Millennial Lifestyle on Instagram

Meet Socality Barbie, just your average Kinfolk-reading, coffee-loving, beanie-wearing adventure seeker who thrives on hollow quotes and being creative. She’s #blessed, pretends to like hiking, shouts out to her gem friends, and bathes with her iPhone. Sometimes she even wakes up at 10 a.m. to capture that perfect light and

This Man Travelled to Every Country in the World Before His 40th Birthday

While you’ve spent the last few years scanning dozens of Facebook photo albums from your friends in Southeast Asia and tagging your BFFs on Beautiful Destinations’ Instagram account, Norwegian Gunnar Garfors completed his goal to visit every country in the world. At just 37 years old, he was the youngest person