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Watch How People’s Portraits Change After 1, 2, and 3 Glasses of Wine

Wine: it makes you feel things. Turns out it all makes you look things. Sure, most of us could probably get away drinking a glass without much of a change in how we present ourselves to others. Two or three, though? Well, that’s a little harder to conceal. Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti‘s

Smartphone Killed the Camera Star: A Look at Camera Sales Since the iPhone Came Out

Picture a graph plotting the number of self-proclaimed photographers along the y-axis and the number of years, from 1966-2016, on the x-axis. Something to note: the first iPhone came out in 2007. You can probably imagine around which point the trajectory goes from stable to rocketship. Now completely invert that line and you’ll

Photographer Uses Dramatic Before and After Shots to Reveal the Power of Photoshop

These days, your Photoshop skills are just as important as your photo-taking abilities when it comes to producing that attention-grabbing shot. In fact, some pictures are only made interesting at all thanks to the help of the photo-editing tool. To highlight the ability of Photoshop to dramatically alter a picture, internationally

5 Canadians Are Nominated for the World’s Most Prestigious Photography Awards

April 21 marks the Oscars of photography – the Sony World Photography Awards. This year saw over 230,000 entries from every corner of the globe. The shortlist was whittled down yesterday, and includes five Canadian photographers with some truly exceptional shots. Their work spans a variety of subjects, from contemporary issues