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How Owning a Dog Benefits the Young Professional Lifestyle

The physical and emotional benefits of dog ownership have been well documented in scientific and anecdotal research. From motivating people to be more active, to lowering risk of heart disease, to helping fight depression, dogs help people live longer and happier lives. But as busy young professionals (YPs), what can dog ownership teach us?

Tomorrow is Take Your Dog to Work Day

There is a new trend in some forward-thinking workplaces across the country- the addition of a fulltime office dog. Tomorrow, some young professionals (YPs) will get to spend extra time with their beloved pooch on the 15th anniversary of Take Your Dog to Work Day

Still Not Walking Your Dog?

Dogs require a certain amount of daily care, something we’ve learned has changed significantly since the days we grew up with them in or family. Due to our busy YP lifestyle, however, one of the most important responsibilities required of dog owners can often become easily neglected: the daily walk

Challenges and Solutions for YP Dog Owners

So you’ve finally decided that having a dog is a right fit for your young professional lifestyle. Though you may think you’ve covered all the necessary details, there’s often quite a bit more that comes up after the fact. Here’s how to manage your soon-to-be new best friendship

Are You Ready for the Pet Commitment?

Young professional life is all about big decisions that will have a determining impact on one’s future, pets being one of them. Choosing whether or not to invest in a pet, both in terms of time and money, can be make or break for a variety of situations