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Why You Should Stop Hating on John Mayer

Some call his music corny. Some call him arrogant. Others call him a player. Perhaps all three were once true. Either way, we have shamelessly loved John Mayer for years. We have never cared that the admission of this love for him and the fact that his music dominates our iPod cottage playlist is sometimes met with amused reactions. After his Toronto show at the Molson Amphitheatre last night our opinion didn’t change.

Must Attend: High Performance Rodeo

High Performance Rodeo (HPR), Calgary’s International Festival of the Arts, is once again descending on Calgary, bringing hundreds of performers from all over the globe to our city’s stages. Thanks to One Yellow Rabbit, for four weeks Calgarians have the opportunity to watch local, national and international performers share their award-winning performances

RED Takes on Montreal

By no means are we theatre experts, you can turn to Eric Bentley for that. We haven’t studied or watched enough of it to be able to account for every little psychological, metaphorical and physical aspect of it. But what we can tell you is how RED by John Logan, a play that officially opened last night at The Segal Centre for Performing Arts, made us feel…alive

Tear the Curtain: A Multimedia Must See

On Tuesday, October 9th, CanStage kicked off its 2012/13 season with the opening night of Tear the Curtain! Unlike anything we had seen, we dubbed the production a “filmage” over a post-show glass of wine as it was quite literally the ultimate hybrid of film and live stage

Creativity Thrives at the Auburn Saloon

Whether it is lunch with colleagues, a pre-show dinner or après-concert cocktail, The Auburn is the place to get those creative juices flowing. Just don’t be surprised if you happen to find yourself conversing with an award-winning playwright and an internationally renowned dancer