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Montreal’s Best Patio As Voted By You

Patio weather has officially arrived, Montreal, and you know what that means; time to start spending the majority of your post-work hours outdoors. Last week’s poll had the city’s top patios battling it out, and we finally have a winner. So get your social calendar out and start the patio crawl planning now…

Notable Poll: What’s the Best Patio in Montreal?

From daytime outdoor party spots on the Main to fancier affairs on Old Montreal rooftops, patio season is almost here and it can’t come soon enough. So take a minute, read over our list of patios, and chime in on your favourite outdoor hotspot

Take Back Patio Season in January

We’ve all heard of ‘Take Back The Night’, but have you ever heard of ‘Take Back The Patio’? On January 16th we’ll be doing just that when Kensington’s popular alley bar opens up for a party that only Canadians will appreciate. In other words, bring a jacket, some gloves, and expect to stay for a few drinks

Now Open: Container Bar, a Refreshing Patio Concept

If you’ve walked down Kensington Road lately you’ve probably stopped to marvel at the makeshift setup in the Brasserie alleyway. To the untrained eye, this space might not look like much more than a shipping container, patio lights and a few chairs and tables – but anyone who’s spent time in SE Asia knows better