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Executive Reads: Three Books That Build Character

If there’s one thing people in executive positions use to reference their success on a consistent basis, it’s books. Whether they build an enterprise or personal character, there’s wisdom in pages that make reading an essential part of the YP lifestyle. Let these three reads serve as an inspiration

Hot Shop: Top Summer Reads

Many young professionals feel guilty reading, feeling they really should be doing work, errands or devising the next best plan to advance their careers. Summer, however, seems to alter that mentality and most YPs have at least one good book on the go to read poolside, on the beach or on the dock. Here are our top summer reads

Executive Reads: Greg Rubidge

Greg Rubidge is the President of Syndicado, a film library for all digital platforms, and the Founder of online streaming site As heavily immersed as he is in the film industry, he’s also an avid reader and attributes some of his best life advice to the following pages

Executive Reads: Bruce Miyashita

Over the past 25 years, Bruce Miyashita has combined “left brain” scientific methods, analytical tools, and statistics with “right brain” approaches from the arts and humanities to improve operations and to stimulate change. You can bet reading played a major role in his professional development, like these three must-reads to help generate insights in and for your business career