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More than half of all cars sold in Norway last year are electric

Norway achieved a world first in 2020 when it became the first country in which more than half of all cars sold were battery-powered. In 2019, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) comprised 42.4% of all new cars sold in the Nordic country. That number jumped to 54.3% last year. In December,

Canada Set to Declare War on Norway Over Moose Statue

Canada and Norway are among the world’s most peacekeeping nations. Those reputations are perilously close to obliterating. Obviously, it’s about a moose. In 2015, Norway installed the world’s biggest moose statue. That made Canada’s renowned Mac the Moose, of none other than Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, the world’s second-largest such monument. Mac

Norway Becomes the First Country to Say Goodbye to FM Radio

Digital is killing the radio star. At least, it is in Norway. After more than 60 years of the FM dial, the country is set to become the first to shutdown its FM (Frequency Modulation) radio network, marking a controversial move to digital technology. The shutdown will begin in the

Norway’s Power Plants Are So Awesome That They’re Becoming Tourist Destinations

Green energy is looking pretty good in Norway. The Scandinavian country’s power plants have become tourist destinations for those interested in design, nature, and sustainable resources. Even though Norway is currently powered almost entirely by renewable resources, it continues to build more power plants to further increase its production of clean energy.

UN Names the 10 Best Countries in the World to Live

We’ll get to us in a second, but first: Norway is building quite the dynasty up there in Scandinavia. For the 12th year in a row, the United Nations has named the Nordic nation the best in the world to live, which can largely be attributed to its abundance of