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12 façons de remettre sa vie en ordre en septembre

Alors que les beaux jours de canicule se font rares et que le feuillage vert se parsème d’étincelles de couleurs automnales, les JPs à travers le Canada laissent derrière eux leur période d’insouciance estivale pour faire place à de nouveaux objectifs personnels et professionnels. Voilà donc 12 façons de le faire

12 Ways to Get Your Life Together This September

As these dog days of summer come and go, and the foliage of fall starts to speckle through the green, YPs across Canada are leaving the lazy haze of summer behind to make way for new personal and professional goals. Here are 12 ways to do just that

4 Summertime Traps and How to Avoid Them

Between cottage weekends, road trips, day-long boat adventures, pool parties, park parties, house parties (okay, any type of party) and concerts, there’s simply too much fun to be had on the weekend these days. Right? The problem is, of course, Monday comes like a slap in the face

Here’s How to Conquer Morning Fogginess

Morning fog: no, we’re not talking the beautiful mist that dangles in the air on a chilly morning. We mean the haze that hangs in the minds of many young professionals (YPs) almost every a.m. Here’s how to beat it and own the day

11 Nelson Mandela Quotes You Should Always Remember

More than anything, Nelson Mandela showed us that belief was not easy, but necessary. And it didn’t hurt that he also had a hell of a way with words. Below are 11 powerful quotations from Madiba that every young professional would do well to carry with them