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Birks Buzzes With Bee Themed Collection and a Sweet as Honey Party

In each of the last six years, one-third of honeybee colonies have been lost in North America and Europe – and there’s nothing sweet about that. Without their significant role in fruit and vegetable production, we might as well wish ourselves an early death by starvation now. That’s why Birks, the leading Canadian jeweller we all know and love, is doing something about it

Notable Valentine’s Day Jewellery Guide

Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. This means that special lady in your life is probably expecting some sort of gift… not that your love and affection isn’t enough. Luckily, we bring you some of our favourite Canada-based jewellery designers for all tastes, budgets and scenarios – whether you’ve been dating for a few months or married for a few years

Vitaly Jewelry and Event

Toronto design brand Vitaly is celebrating the launch of their new ceramic line of jewellery on November 8, which will also feature the live photographing of the line’s look book. To help kick off the launch, we’re giving away a pair of tickets to one lucky winner, in addition to a piece of Vitaly jewellery to another winner