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How Isolation Helped Me Own My Pronouns and Pansexual Identity

One year into the pandemic I came out as pansexual with she/they pronouns on Facebook.  The former has been common knowledge to my close friends and colleagues for years and the latter slowly developed as I spent more and more time with myself during isolation.  I exited a relationship in

#NotablePeople: Creator of Black Owned Toronto Kerin John

At just 23 years old, Kerin John has grown her platform exponentially in a matter of weeks of launching it. What does this say? That not only is her page amazing but that it’s very very important. The newfound conscientious wave to consume more responsibly and support Black-owned businesses has

Will COVID-19 Ruin the Instagram Star?

For the better part of the past decade, the term “influencer” has been common – perhaps even overused – in everything from marketing and public relations strategies, to personally curated social media worlds. The life of an influencer – especially a travel influencer – seems like a dream come true