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Canada is About to Get a New Statutory Holiday

Canadian workers, rejoice! A new holiday is coming. The federal government is preparing to announce a new statutory holiday to mark our country’s cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples. The move is part of a greater nationwide reconciliation effort, which can also be measured on the municipal level by initiatives like

How to Throw the Holiday Party that Everyone Wants to Be At

It’s happening; eating, drinking and being merry is pretty much all there is to do. The only downside is having to choose between all the holiday parties – and how long to stay at each spot. If you want your party to be the one people want to be at,

Wine 101 with Sommelier Laurence Secours

Holiday party season is upon us. Which most likely means you’ll be attending at least one or two social gatherings where wine is served. Wouldn’t it be nice to up your game this year from responding, “house red” when your server asks for your order? I get it, appearing like

Getting Unplugged: My Solo Trip to Florida

“Isn’t that just so nice?” The woman’s upbeat voice pulled my attention away from my Kobo. Smiling over at me while she and her husband took their seats at a table across the way, she motioned to where I was sitting by myself on the restaurant patio, lunch placed in

The 5 Differences Between Canadian and American Thanksgiving

For as long as I can remember, I have always celebrated two Thanksgivings. First, because my parents are divorced and second because my dad is American. Aside from the fact that I get to gorge myself on a turkey feast twice, I have always noticed some key differences between the