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Harvey Weinstein Was Arrested But What Does it Mean?

Last week fallen movie producer Harvey Weinstein was arrested and led into Manhattan Criminal Court to face criminal charges. It was 10 minutes of glory after years of disappointment. Weinstein was charged with an alleged rape and a criminal sex act by two separate women though many others have come

The Blind Eye Of Entertainment

Over the past 3 weeks a wave of sexual assault and harassment accusations have rocked the film and TV industry. The reaction has been swift. Producers, actors, agents and more have been terminated from their jobs, and men and women are rising up to support the #metoo movement of victims

#MeToo: What To Do If You’re Being Sexually Harassed In The Workplace

Over the past few weeks, it’s been almost impossible to find a news publication that hasn’t covered the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Famed Hollywood producer and studio executive Harvey Weinstein was formerly known as someone who could ‘make or break’ an actress’s career in Hollywood. It was Weinstein’s name and production