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6 Habits to Master in Your 20s 

The idea of building habits has only increased in popularity with books like Atomic Habits by James Clear or The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, taking the professional development genre by storm.  Dedicating the time and effort to developing life habits when you’re young will only benefit you in

Quit These 10 Annoying Habits and Become a Better Human Today

Let’s face it: people can be really bloody annoying. Whether it’s your colleagues irritating the hell out of you in the office, or complete strangers that are making you feel queasy 30,000 feet above the ground, the human race is certainly not lacking when it comes to its share of

9 Ways to Improve Your Office Habits in 2016

It may be your last week in the office, so perhaps coming back to work in the New Year is not at the forefront of your mind. But if you don’t want to dread your first Monday back at your desk (or want to dread it less), make some proactive post-Christmas

15 Things to Avoid if You Want to Stay on Your Boss’s Good Side

Many would agree that your reputation is just as important as your ability to perform when it comes to work. No matter how well you do your job, if your boss has a poor opinion of you, it could cost you that good recommendation or big promotion. Here are 15 things