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“Zum Wohl” (To Your health) and Happy Birthday to Riesling Wine

“There has never been a better time to celebrate German Riesling,” says Steffen Schindler, Head of Marketing of the Deutsches Weininstitut (DWI), and he is absolutely right. March 13th is signified by Wines of Germany as the official birthday of Riesling, giving wine lovers an annual occasion to celebrate this

The Perfect Wines to Get Cozy With This Fall

The signs are clear, Canada is slowly but surely rolling back into Stage 2 of the pandemic protocol. Though the ongoing uncertainty has had its own host of challenges to manage, with cooler months ahead of us and patio season on the out, now is a great time to stock

German Circus Makes Big Statement By Replacing Animals With Holograms

Animals have long been on the list of Things People Care About. But not since recently have we humans actually done anything tangible to advance animal welfare. For example, In April Canada banned the captivity of whales and dolphins. For years it has been illegal to sell products in the

7 Reasons Riesling Rocks

Sitting down with a few girlfriends over a glass of wine the other night, we inevitably got onto the topic of relationships. We talked about dating and the challenges of trying to find the elusive “one” that makes all others drop away. As a society, we are generally encouraged to