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Canada’s food industry needs us and the government more than ever

Many experts say it will take months and perhaps even years to understand the full impact of COVID-19. Well, early numbers are in – and they’re not good. Especially for the food industry. Restaurants Canada, a not-for-profit association representing the country’s foodservice industry, has published a survey that paints a

Your Go-To Toronto Restaurant Guide in the Time of Coronavirus

In this time of uncertainty, one thing you can be sure of is that Toronto’s best restaurants are making sure that you always have options to eat well, even in the confinements of your own home. Just admit it, although you thought this was the perfect opportunity to finally sharpen

Remember to put aside an extra $500 for food next year

The other day I was looking at old film photos, from around 1997, and was struck by one thing in particular: street meat. One photo featured a BBQ stand with a price list: $1 for a hot dog; $1.50 for a burger; 75 cents for a Coke. These things would

Toronto is the most coffee-loving city in the world

Toronto is essentially one giant but first, coffee poster. At least twice a morning someone interrupts me to say, “OMG don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.” Rude! I suppose a city so overworked and cold can be forgiven for its addiction. How does Toronto stack up against other coffee-loving

Sobeys Will No Longer Carry Plastic Bags by February 2020

Look, it’s great that you’re not using plastic straws anymore. But what about the corporations, mmmmaaaannnnnnn? That’s where the real damage is being done. Well, good news, because Canada’s second-largest food retailer has announced it will ditch plastic bags by February 2020. Today we announced that we're eliminating plastic bags