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The 10 People You Will Always See at a Toronto Sports Event

Attending a live sports event is always a memorable experience. From the pre-game warmup, to the over-priced drinks and fans in attendance, very few things change from city to city. And in Toronto, it doesn’t matter if you’re cheering on the Leafs, the Jays or the Raptors, you will notice that the

This Blue Jays Thunderstruck Playoff Promo Video is Making a Lot of Noise

Sports compilation videos on YouTube are mostly terrible. The highlights are either replayed an unnecessary amount of times, look like they were recorded with a garden hose, or are complemented by Drowning Pool’s ‘Let the Bodies Hit the Floor’. This is not one of those videos. Uploader Michael Wilson has

Toronto Raptors: A Guide for the Part Time Fan, Week 8

82 games is a big commitment. And since we want you on the Toronto Raptors bandwagon as long and fully committed as possible, we’re breaking down everything you need to know about our ballers of the North. Every single week